Training through quarantine

After months of life as we know it changing in much of the country (and world), we’ve all in our own ways been adjusting to our new normal. Many aspects of our lives have been forced to change. It’s safe to say we all view this as temporary, but how temporary this will be is the million dollar question. Are we looking at weeks, months or years?  Perhaps the worst thing right now is not knowing the end date. Today on my own run, I had a “come to Jesus moment” – if this “new normal” were to last for years versus months, how do I navigate my own life and assist in the lives of my clients? What habits and routines have I established since mid-March? Are they positive or negative? Are they sustainable for the long haul?

On my run today, I thought about hypothetically what role my relationship with running would take if it didn’t involve races, group runs with my team, or treadmill classes. What would I do? What purpose would running fill? What goals would I set? What structure, accountability, and support would I need or want? That’s a pretty personal answer, and one that no doubt can and will change. The GOOD news is that running outside is literally one of the safest forms of exercise during this pandemic.

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